
The drama queen...that's me!

You are most likely to be a dreamer, a drama and a flirt. You relish attention and the finer things in life. The grass always seems greener on the other side and you will never stop moving on and heading for the next goal or challange. When it comes to problems you usually hope they'll eventually just go away and you tend to put most things off till tomorrow, so there is more time for you naturally darling! Friends are drawn to you because you dive into situations head first causing a big splash and send waves throughout your networks. If there's any gossip it usually includes you or was made up by you. You must tame your wild side so that work can actually go ahead, living for today is fine, but be careful not to burn the candle at both ends or you'll end up sad and alone - your two most hated things.

1 comentario:

Sounds Fun! Music and Sound Design for videogames dijo...

jaj! ese quiz te lo mandé yo y me salió lo mismo. Besos "tocaya" jajaj