
Pity on people....

I simply cannot understand people that are their whole life feeling pity about themselves not matter the situation they find themselves on....that's why I make daily a terrible effort to be satisfied with my life and not complain....but....as I make this affort to live my life full of joy and takin advantage of every singe situation so as to live it as the best...people think / believe that "life" is always smiling at me and the "situations" I'm in are always cool and great....SORRY TO TELL YOU BUT NO!!!! I'M ALSO SUFFERING AND DEALING WITH PROBLEMS ALL THE TIME. EVERYTHING I ACHIEVE IS BECAUSE I MAKE A 150% EFFORT TO GET IT....so people....stop complaining about your jobs...stop complaining about not having enough time or enough love....GO OUT AN ENJOY LIFE AS IT IS...AS YOU'VE CREATED IT....because everything is not better nor worse that what we make of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EN CRIOLLO: "BASTA DE POBRECITOS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no hay nadie tan pobrecito como para no salir adelante y ser feliz carajo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I CAN (after everything I've been through)....EVERYBODY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Si, si! Bravo!

Anónimo dijo...

Hola, gracias por tu comentario, te deje unas letras en el post en el que hablas de mi blog, te doy las gracias, y tambien decirte que hoy me has echo feliz, un dia gris se convierte en uno de sol.es bonito saber que lo que siento y pienso, puede llegarle a alguien: que seas muy feliz, besos Mary (mary poppins)

La pequeña Lo dijo...

Madre mía, te estas tomando muy en serio lo del optimismo. Y por cierto, gracias por ponerlo en criollo porque me estaba costando entender... :)